Over 6, 500 youths in Lamu to be trained on Conflict Prevention

L-R Mr. Joseph Kanyiri, County Commissioner Lamu, H.E. Issa Timamy, Governor, Lamu County and Vincent De Boer, European Union Head of Governance Section during the launch of a youth programme. PHOTO: OSCAR NYOHA.

Lamu, KENYA: Over 6,500 youths from marginalized areas in Lamu County, will benefit from skills that will enable them enter in the job market.

Under a program aimed at increasing peace and stability in North East and coastal Kenya, in collaboration of with the county government, European Union, Kenya Red cross, the Aga Khan foundation among other stake holders, will also see other 4000 youths benefit with skills on how to manage conflicts.

The project will target young people in nine counties across Kenya that face high unemployment rates among the youth, among them, Lamu, Mombasa, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Kwale, Kilifi, Garissa, Wajir and Mandera.

Through vocational skills, training, awareness and orientation in career guidance and counseling, the youths will be better able to access economic opportunities.

The project will also provide training on entrepreneurship, start-ups or access to micro-financing with a view to establishing businesses.

Speaking during the launch Lamu Governor Issa Timamy welcomed the programme, saying alleviating poverty will have positive ripple effects.

“The programme will address some of the underlying factors that have the potential to motivate youths to resort to violence including grievances such as the feeling of exclusion, lack of opportunities and inequality”, Said Timammy.

The project is funded by the European Union, under the Emergency Trust Fund.

EU Head of Macroeconomics and Governance, Vincent de Boer, highlighted that providing perspective for youth at the fringes of society, will contribute to harness the energy and talent of Kenya’s youth to build stability and opportunities.

“If young people are given inclusive access to better vocational educational opportunities, this will lead to decent jobs and livelihoods for target groups, grievances will decline and better economic opportunities will be created.” Said Mr. Boer.

The four-year project costs €12 million, an equivalent of Sh 1.3 Billion.

Objective of the project is to address the unemployment and inadequate inclusion of the young people.

