More Kenyans feel close to Jubilee Party, says Infotrak

President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto during the launch of the Jubilee smart card. PHOTO: FILE

Nairobi,Kenya: Recently released results of a survey  conducted by Infotrak reveals that more than a third of Kenyans affiliate themselves to the Jubilee Party.

The survey which saw 1500 respondents interviewed between 24th February and 25th March with the results being announced on Saturday put Jubilee’s popularity at 36.4 per cent.

Orange Democratic Movement ODM came in second at 22 per cent, Wiper Party third at 3.4 per cent, Ford Kenya at 1 per cent, Chama cha Mashinani at 0.8 per cent, Amani at 0.5 per cent and Alfred Mutua’s Maendeleo Chap Chap at 0.4 per cent.

Jubilee’s popularity was high at the Central Region and Rift valley at 75 per cent and 49 per cent respectively.

ODM was most popular in Nyanza with its popularity hitting the 60 per cent mark.

Infotrak CEO Angela Ambitho noted that ODM’s popularity has gone down by half at the Coast by hitting the 35 per cent mark.

Noted during the survey was how approximately a third of Kenyans did not affiliate themselves to any party which the CEO attributed to parties being formed for the sole purpose of winning elections.

“This could be because parties are not being formed for purposes of prosperity but just to win elections. The only old party we have right now is KANU.”Ms. Ambitho said.

She remarked that parties need to realign themselves for the long term to reduce the undecided gap.

“This is an opportunity for parties to re-engineer themselves, re-brand and strategize in order to attract young folk. The undecided is the basket which parties must be interested in”the pollster advised.

The pollster cautioned that these numbers are bound to change due to the highly charged political environment being experienced as the country heads to the August polls.

