Youths undergo training on good leadership and governance

Youths at a a past function. PHOTO: file

Mombasa, KENYA: Hundreds of youths from three counties are undergoing training on good leadership and good governance, countering Violence and radicalization.

The one week training organized by Kenya Muslim Youths Alliance is under a project dubbed “Inuka” and targets youths from Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale counties, which aims at equipping the youths with knowledge and know how, in countering Violence and extremism.

Youths, who represent different groups from their respective counties, are also educated on how to identify good leaders, especially during this campaign season.

The organization regional coordinator Khamis Mwaguzo on Tuesday told Baraka FM that the main objective of the five day training is capacity building among the youths.

He added that this aimed at improving relations between youths and the leadership at the county level, and share experience on how the different counties are countering violence and extremism.

“Our main objective is to see how these youths will use this knowledge at the grass level, in countering violence and extremism, and also we want them to be peace ambassadors at their respective counties,” said Mwaguzo.

Mwaguzo added that it’s a coincidence that the training is coming at this campaign period, and they believe that it will have a major impact on a peaceful election.

“It’s a nice thing that this training is coming at this time and we hope that the youths will use this knowledge and spread it to other Kenyans, in making sure that there is peace and stability this election time,” added Mwaguzo.

Valery Omondi a youth from Mnarani Kilifi county who aspires to be a leader, applauded the organizers saying it has really equipped her with knowledge and she hope to use it in future.

Valery cautioned fellow youths against being used by politicians in violence, instead gauge such leaders and vote them out.

“This training is of big benefit to us as youths especially this campaign period. Now I understand on good leadership and good governance and they i am aware on what to look for in a good leader” said Valery.

The participants will be rewarded a certificate at the end of the training, and will be made as peace ambassadors in their respective counties.

