Armed gang members disrupt school games causing chaos

Some of the weapons recovered from suspects during a past raid.Police have gunned down a suspect link to the saturday machette attack in Likoni PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: Police in Likoni on Tuesday  arrested three suspects belonging to Young thugs gang armed with machetes and other crude weapons after they disrupted ongoing school games in the area.

The suspects identified as Lawrence Wekesa 15,Mwinyi Omar,18 and Abdallah Rashid 16, were arrested at  Consolata playground after attacking a civilian police officer.

The officer had been deployed at the playground as the school primary games were ongoing, only for them to be interrupted by the gang members.

Police said the gang of around 20 youths arrived at the playing ground and threatened to slash everyone if they could not leave the place.

The civilian police officer tried to intervene but the suspects drew out machetes and clubs forcing the officer to take cover.

He later  then alerted his colleagues who arrived aboard a land cruiser, but only managed to arrest three as the others fled.

A senior police officer who had been called to the area said the gang was armed and dangerous.

The other 17 fled away after realizing they had been surrounded by contingent of civilian police.

Police said the suspects are aged between 13 and 15 and are believe to be under influence of drugs.

Likoni police chief Willy Simba confirmed the incident saying the suspects  will be taken to court after investigations are over.

He asked parents and guardians to be extra vigilant in monitoring their children, as majority are  joining criminal gangs.

