Jubilee warns of politicizing voter audit


Nairobi, KENYA: In what seemed like a political jab thrown at its political enemies Jubilee told off politicians who were planning to interfere with the audit of the voter register.

In a joint press conference with Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission IEBC, Head of Jubilee Secretariat Raphael Tuju noted that the final voter register would be greatly affected by death rates in an area.

“If you come from a county with high death rates then you lose more voters when the register is being cleaned. The numbers plummet because more of them have died. They should accept that that is what is happening. The IEBC must educate people on such issues,” said Mr. Tuju.

With the voter registration extended to Sun 19 Feb 2017 IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati called for the voting centers to avail data to speed up voter audit.

“At the close of the Mass Voter Registration process then we shall commence the process of cleaning up the register. Then on the 9th of May we shall present the register to Kenyans for verification purposes,” he said.

He added that cleaning of the register included removing of dead voters and sorting issues of double registration.

“I meant to understand that some people have been lured to transfer their preferred polling station more than once,” the Chairman concluded.

