Jailing of doctors’ union officials shows Jubilee’s incompetence, says Raila


Nairobi, KENYA: The Opposition has come out to sharply criticize the jailing of doctors’ union officials by Labour court earlier on Monday for their refusal to call off strike.

In a statement sent to newsrooms on Monday,opposition chief Raila Odinga said the action marks the lowest point that Jubilee’s intransigence, incompetence and inability to lead has brought the nation to.

He warned that such action goes against the constitutionally-protected right of workers to withhold labour when they are in disagreement with the employer and especially when the employer is reneging on an agreement.

“Under Article 41 of our Constitution ;every person has the right to fair labour practices, every worker has the right to fair remuneration; to reasonable working conditions;to form, join or participate in the activities and programmes
of a trade union; and to go on strike.”The statement indicated.

Raila said that the opposition instructed their lawyers to immediately convene and take up the doctor’s case against the government.

He also slammed President Uhuru Kenyatta for failing to resolve series of crisis that have been rocking the country in the recent past .

“It marks out the government as a dishonest and unreliable employer , that has grim implications for resolving future conflicts between the government, employees and other entities, including the strike by university lecturers which is equally taking a bad turn.”Odinga said.

