Lamu county hospital to begin offering ICU and dialysis services


Lamu, KENYA: Lamu county will for the first time in history begin offering ICU and kidney dialysis services at the Lamu King Fahad hospital as from next month.

This follows the completion of the new premises that will be housing the ICU and the kidney dialysis departments.

The county has already acquired a new dialysis machine and is expected to acquire three more such machines in the next three weeks.

The county is also in the process of hiring 20 nurses and over 5 specialists for its new ICU and dialysis department.

Lamu county health director David Mulewa said the objective is to turn the hospital into a level five facility that will in turn help to reduce the number of referrals made outside the county.

Speaking in his office on Monday ,Mulewa said among the specialists to be recruited are physiotherapists for the renal unit,specialized clinical officers and a consultant physician.

The hospital already had a consultant obstetric gynecologist.

The new unit was funded by the national government following a donation of Sh.100 million after the president pledged sh.200 Milion for the upgrading of the hospital.

The remaining sh.100 million will go into upgrading the Faza and Mpeketoni sub county hospitals.

Mulewa said for the first time in history,Lamu will be able to attend to patients with kidney and other renal problems.

The new units will also house a modern theatre.

He said the new units will officially be opened next month and begin operations.

“We are confident that next month we shall be ready to begin using our new ICU,Renal unit and theatre. Hopefully the president will join governor Issa Timamy in the official launch,” said Mulewa.

