Drama: Angry French tourist checks out of Lamu hotel to sleep under a tree


Lamu,KENYA:There was drama in Lamu Island on Sunday night when a 68 year old female French tourist checked out of the hotel she had booked and decided to put up under a tree at the Mkunguni meeting place claiming the hotel was dirty.

Lioudmila Sergueevitch says she arrived in Lamu on Sunday evening booked a room in one of the hotels but changed her mind and forced the attendants to carry all her belongings to the Mkunguni square where she planned to spend the night.

The incident attracted members of the public who were curious to know why the tourist was alone with her belongings at the square at around 10pm.

Efforts by police to inquire of her intentions were futile as she vehemently refused to speak to them.

Police were therefore forced to take her to the station where she narrated her predicament.

She says Lamu is not what she had been made to believe and that all she wanted was to leave the following day.

“They said it’s a good place for old people like me but am not happy here. It’s dirty. I just want dawn to come so that I can leave,” she said.

Efforts by police to convince her to check in the hotel were futile forcing them to leave her to spend the night out.

“We have frisked her plus her belongings and there is nothing alarming. We will let her sleep here for her own safety then she can leave tomorrow,” said an officer who did not want to be named.

