Kilifi records poor voter registration turn out as residents blame IEBC clerks


Kilifi, KENYA: There was confusion among residents of Marere and Migumo Miri in Jaribuni-Ganze Sub-county on Monday morning as IEBC clerks failed to arrive in time.

Baraka FM established that there was poor turnout at Juhudi primary school and Vyambani secondary school  in Ganze Constituency.

Speaking at Marere primary school, Chilumo Chai, a resident of Kagombani village in Vyambani Sub location, said he had been waiting for the clerks to be registered but his wait bore no fruits.

“We heard yesterday that there will be a mass voter registration at this polling station but since morning up to noon no one has arrived,” said Chai.

“We have not been informed on the delay or postponement of this exercise and now already some people have gone back to their homes,” added Chai.

He said some residents had come to the station to inquire on how to change polling stations but they had not been able to get any help.

He urged IEBC to tell residents of the exact time when they would be ready for the exercise in the area and other parts of the country which might be experiencing the same challenges.

By afternoon, Baraka FM established that  Juhudi primary school polling station had not registered a single voter.

However, IEBC voter registration clerk Michael Nyoka said only ten voters had come to verify their voter’s cards later in the day.

He said the exercise started late due to late arrival of Biometric Voter Registration kits.

According to voter registration clerk Cornelius Chai, by the time they arrived people had given up and gone back home.

“The exercise started late because we were waiting for the kits and by now we have registered only four voters,” said Chai.


