Lamu county to siphon water from Tana River


Lamu,KENYA:The county government of Lamu will siphon water from river Tana to be used for domestic purposes in a bid to solve the perennial fresh water shortages facing many parts of the county.

Speaking in Lamu on Monday,Lamu governor Fahim Twaha said the siphoned water will be taken through a series of treatments after which will be channeled to storages, in domestic and public residences ready for use.

Twaha said there was need for a more permanent resolution to the issue of fresh water shortage in the county to not only enable locals live normal lives like the rest of Kenyans but also to keep waterborne illnesses at bay.

“I understand fresh water shortage is one of the issues facing especially Lamu East areas and that’s why we are working on siphoning water from river Tana,treat it and have it used by our people.I believe that will go a long way in easing the lives of people who have been forced to use salty water.Its uncomfortable.As a county government,our sole objective is to ease and improve the living conditions of the people of Lamu at whichever cost,”said Twaha.

In the past,fresh water was carried in boozers and supplied to far flung islands using boats, a move that was not only expensive but also risky.

Residents more affected are those in Lamu East which doesn’t have a single fresh water source as opposed to the maninland that is served by several rivers and lakes including lakes Kenyatta and Moa in Mpeketoni and Witu respectively.

Residents of Lamu easy were worst hit by the recent drought spell that hit many parts of region forcing many to resolve to use salty ocean water.

The fresh water is normally supplied by boozers just once a week and is rarely enough for the many residents of Lamu east and as such many are forced to rely on salty wells and boreholes.

The announcement by Twaha comes as a relief to many if indeed the county government will push through with the plan to siphon water from river Tana and have it treated and supplied to locals facing shortages.

Residents have welcomed the plan saying it’s a feasible one if the county government chooses to follow through with it.

“For years we have been relying on wells and boreholes,all of which have salty water.Fresh water is brought here once a week or sometimes even once every two weeks and even then,they limit us to just two 20 litre jerrycans per household. That’s not even enough.We like the governor’s plan and we just hope and wish that he will really make it happen so that we can enjoy fresh water,”said Mukhsin Issa of Siyu village.

