Man found guilty of planning terror activities in Mombasa

Accused seated putting on a cap between the standing lawyer and prison officer. PHOTO: HILLARY MAKOKHA.

Mombasa, KENYA: A man was on Friday found guilty of planning terrorist activities by a Mombasa court.

Abdiaziz Abdullahi Abdi was also found guilty of being in possession of of six hand grenades, five AK 47 rifle magazine and 270 rounds of ammunition.

Mombasa senior principal magistrate Francis Kyiambia ruled that the prosecution had proved that the accused person possessed illegal weapons and he will be sentenced accordingly.

Mr.Abdi was arrested on 11th March 2014, in Changamwe area within Mombasa.

‘It is clear that prosecution has proved that the accused person was found in possession of six hand granades, firearms and ammunations without the authority from an explosive licensing officer’ said Mr. Kyiambia.

The accused person was also found guilty of the offence of making a document without authority.

Mr.Kyiambia said that the accused person made a motor vehicle number plate registration No.KAN 410E chassis No.KZNI 30-2066080 a Toyota surf dark green in colour used to conceal an improvised explosive device for commission of terrorism act.

The defence council Mr.Chacha Mwita asked court to consider the time accused person had stayed in custody before passing a sentence.

‘The accused person is a young star with so many years ahead of him and a family man blessed with seven children who have been relaying on well wishers’mitigated Chacha.

But prosecution council Peris Maina informed court the accused person was facing serious offence and wanted court to give a maximum sentence.

‘The accused person was not found with spoons or sticks we are talking of six hand grenades, five AK 47 rifle magazine and 270 rounds of ammunition court should note that’said Maina.

Mr.Kyiambia said court will deliver the sentence on 25th August 2017.

