Kazungu slams politicians against mining projects


Nairobi, KENYA: Mining Cabinet Secretary Dan Kazungu has slammed politicians who were vowing to stop mining projects during the campaign insisting that such projects will go on as scheduled.

In a media briefing in Nairobi on Friday, Kazungu accused politicians for hijacking and politicizing crucial projects meant to propel the economy if exploited well.

Meanwhile, the ministry has formed a task force to oversee manpower and human resource management in the mining sector across the country.

Launching the task force, Kazungu said that a such task force is key following the fact that Kenya is about to take heavy infrastructural projects ,which has prompted the ministry to come up with mechanisms of filling gaps in the administration of the sector.

“Kenya right now we are undertaking infrastructural projects from standard gauge railway,road networks ,mining ,airports, ports and building cities, and this center if properly managed ,will create a lot of jobs .”Kazungu said

The CS said that he will look into other needs including training of resource people in the sector ,to create and expand job opportunities ,and grow the economy.

“When the big companies from outside or contractor has a project ,normally they go ahead and have their own local people do not be part of the project that is our concern,we want to see Kenyans becoming part of these projects .”He said.

Kazungu also pointed that the ministry is coming up with strategies on how to fill quarries after the completion of such projects,for the case of rehabilitation so that they can be of use in the aftermath projects.

