More passengers travelling on SGR

The standard gauge railway Mombasa station PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:The Standard Gauge Railway SGR has reported a high demand of passengers since its commencement that saw a number of passengers shifting from using buses due to long hours of travelling from Nairobi to Mombasa and vice versa.

Addressing the media on Thursday on the status of the SGR in the country, Kenya Railways managing Director Atanas Maina, alluded that, ever since the commencement of rail operations in the country over 150,000 passengers have used it.

‘So far,the Madaraka express has transported approximately 150,000 passengers with increasing demand daily” said Maina.

He  added that, they will introduce stoppage at Voi, Mariakani,Miasenyi,Kibwezi,Emali and Athi river that will kick off ,once the operations of the county trains commence and whose  speed will be 85 KM/H

“The county passenger train has lower average speed due to more frequent stops at the designated passenger stations and the average speed will be 85kmp with transit times at 5 hours and 25 minutes for the 427 kilometers stretch” lamented Maina.

He further confirmed that the second phase of SGR project from Naivasha sub-county to Kisumu is ongoing and that the corporation recently received 18 more freight locomotive and 60 wagons designed for double-stacking on the SGR freight operations that will further de-congest the port of Mombasa as well as Mombasa road.

However, the director stated that, due to the incoming national elections in the country, there will be an interference of normal operations at the station as staff will have time to exercise their democratic right.

According to Maina,the SGR has enhanced regional integration, connection of business operation and economic development of local towns.

The launch of the standard gauge railway 18 months ahead of schedule was due to the personal zeal and commitment of President Uhuru Kenyatta

