Godhana cleared by IEBC to run for Tana River Gubernatorial seat

Mr. Godhana receiving his nomination certificate from IEBC county manager Mr. Mohamed Gonjobe Raka at IEBC offices. PHOTO: CHIDULU SAID.

Tana River, KENYA: It is a new dawn for major (Rt.) Dhadho Godhana as IEBC cleared him on Thursday evening to vie for the Tana River Gubernatorial seat.

As the clearance exercise was on going, his supporters surrounded the IEBC offices in Hola town, eagerly waiting for their endorsed candidate by the Pokomo community to be cleared by the commission.

This is despite of him (Godhana) being accused of having a degree that is not recognized in Kenya from Kamage Development Studies centre in Ireland.

Mr. Godhana had been chosen by his community, largely by upper Pokomo and some parts of Delta with an upper hand from Iluana community led by its leader Mr. Ramadhan Babisani.

Mr. Godhana was accompanied by his running mate Mr. Salim Batuyu from Iluana community for the August race.

His clearance comes after he had faced challenges such as his name not being among the gubernatorial aspirants in the final IEBC list.

In an interview with journalists on Thursday after his clearance, Mr. Godhana told reporters that the party had been confused by his opponents who bulldozed his replacement in the IEBC list, as well as the party nominated candidates list so that he could not vie for the position.

According to Mr. Godhana, it was through his efforts which made ODM and IEBC resolve the matter.

“IEBC today has issued me a nomination certificate to vie for the gubernatorial position in this county. And that has not been easy because some propagandists and sorcerers had poisoned the ODM commission to replace my name in the ODM and in the IEBC but through my effort ODM resolved the problem and today I’m happy I have received my certificate of nominations,” said Mr. Godhana.

The Pokomo community had three aspirants vying the seat; Mr. Danson Buya Mungatana, Mr. Godhana and Mr. Deye Anania Karhayu.

Mr. Deye on Friday withdrew from the race allegedly after his running mate fell sick and that his decision of appointing a new running mate did not succeed, because the person who was to be his  deputy had questionable academic papers.

The remaining two horses have already served  in the government as Members of Parliament, Mr. Mungatana for Garsen and Mr. Godhana for Galole before losing it to Mr. Hassan Dukicha

The community which had been eyeing the seat for a long time, is now having a two horses’ race against the incumbent Mr. Hussein Dado, who is fighting to retain his seat, Ismail Jilo Algi from Orma community and Tana River County Assembly speaker Dr. Nuh Nasri Abdi from Wardei community.

