Lamu gubernatorial candidate barred over running mates certificate

Eliud Kinuthia(in red shirt) and his running mate James Tuva in blue coat PHOTO Natasha Neema

Lamu,KENYA:Lamu PNU governor aspirant Eliud Ndung’u Kinuthia has been denied IEBC nomination certificate after his running mate James Matole Tuva failed to submit a degree certificate.

The governor aspirant had all the required certificate and fulfilled all the requirements but his running mate Tuva only had a letter of completion and academic transcripts from the university he attended.

Tuva who also happens to be the younger brother to renowned media personality Willy M.Tuva is supposed to graduate in June this year.

Efforts for them to be cleared by IEBC were futile as the IEBC county returning officer Mohamed Adan insisted that the commission rules requires both the governor aspirant and his running mate must have original degree certificates.

Kinuthia was however given two options of either dropping Tuva and picking another suitable running mate or ensure his running mate has all the required documentation latest Thursday 4pm.

“that the condition for you to be cleared and there aren’t going to be any shortcuts for can either opt to choose another running mate or we give you up to tomorrow by 4pm to havet to have submitted all the required documents.Only then will you be cleared,”said Adan.

Meanwhile Jubilee governor aspirant Fahim Twaha became the first gubernatorial aspirant to be cleared by the IEBC and issued with a nomination certificate.

Twaha was accompanied by running mate Abdulhakim Aboud and supporters.

Twaha will face the incumbent Issa Timamy of ANC,Abdalla Fadhil of ODM,Swaleh Imu of Wiper and Eliud Ndung’u Kinuthia of PNU.

The IEBC in Lamu has so far cleared 7 senators,all the five women rep aspirants and over 50 MCAs.

