My bursary committee is not corrupt ,Kibarani MCA

Kilifi Woman representative Getrude Mbeyu.
Kilifi,KENYA:Kibarani member of County Assembly Getrude Mbeyu has refuted claims that her ward’s bursary committee is involving itself in corruption.
Speaking in Kilifi during a press conference on Saturday, Mbeyu said she and her committee were  ready to face Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission EACC  to be investigated on the matter.

Mbeyu who is also the chairperson of Kilifi county Assembly committee  the  scholarship fund said the claims are baseless and are aimed at destroying her political mileage.

“This person spreading  this  claims is not genuine to himself as the committee just  gave  him a bursary of Kshs. 25,000 in good faith.” Mbeyu said.

“When he came to the office, my committee chairman agreed with him (Charles Mwango) that he should sell his cow to top-up  the fee balance  of sh 44,000 for her daughter who is  schooling in Diani- Kwale County. And I am shocked that he is now saying he was asked to bring his cow as compensation for the bursary,” added Mbeyu.

Last week, Charles Mwango, the parent  accused the committee saying that was how they operate.Saying he was not the only victim.

“I was asked to give out my cow in compensation of the Kshs. 25,000 bursary.” said Mwango.

“I was really shocked and of late there has been complaints from parents but whenever we complain the MCA shifts the blame on the parents” added Mwango.

On Friday, Justine Masha, the committee’s chairman was arrested by CID officers on the same.

Kilifi OCPD Alexander Makau said investigations are underway and he would be taken to court soon immediately investigations are over.

