KDF officer found dead under mysterious circumstances in Mtongwe


A KDF officer officer was on Monday found dead in his house after he failed to report to work for three days.

Abraham Kipchirchir a navy officer at Mtongwe Navy base was found dead in his rental house within Mtongwe area.

It was reported that the deceased had not reported to work since Saturday and his phone went unanswered and hence his colleagues decided to check on him.

Likoni OCPD Jane Munywoki has confirmed that the deceased’s house was locked from the inside and there was no response when neighbors knocked his door but instead, foul stench was emanating from inside.

“We cannot rule on the course of his death with a pending autopsy, but we established that the deceased had a medical history and had sought treatment at the Navy dispensary” said Munywoki

She further said the deceased was under medication to treat an unknown ailment.

According to the police report, the deceased was found dead on his bed with no physical injuries and police are have launched investigations to establish the cause of his death.

His body had been taken to the Jocham hospital mortuary

