Diamond sued by Kenyan lady over child support


WCB boss Diamond Platnumz might yet again be involved in a court case over child support.

Just a few days after father’s day, a Kenyan lady named Gladys Butoto has come out to claim that the veteran singer has neglected their one-year-old daughter and has been dodging on her with fake promises.

“Mimi nisingefikia hatua hii kabisa, lakini nimeona Diamond ni mtu ambaye ananidharau na wakati ukweli anaujua, maana tungezungumza na tukakubaliana kuhusu matunzo ya huyu mtoto wala nisingekuwa na matatizo yoyote yale,” Gladys told Uwazi, a Tanzanian newspaper.

Gladys was speaking outside Oysterbay police post in Dar es Salaam where she said she came along with her sick daughter so that she could receive justice despite Diamonds mother alleging that she was not of sane mind.

“Mwanangu anaumwa lakini nimekuja naye hivyohivyo ili nijue hatma yangu na pia twende mbele ya sheria maana hata mama yake alishawahi kusema mimi ni chizi lakini siwezi kumsingizia mwanaye hata kidogo kuhusu hilo,” added Gladys as she showed her court papers against Diamond

Hamisa Mobetto and Zari Hassan had earlier accused Diamond of neglecting his fatherly duties earlier sometimes back.

Other Bongo musicians who have had been taken to court for child neglect before includes bongo star Ali Kiba.

