Kanze Dena appointed deputy statehouse spokesperson

Swahili journalist Kanze Dena PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:Swahili veteran journalist Kanze Dena has been appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta  as deputy state house spokesperson and deputy head of Presidential Strategic Communication Unit (PSCU).

“As part of diversifying the voices from the Presidency, focusing the concept of messaging with purpose, President Kenyatta has appointed seasoned television news anchor Kanze Dena, 39, as Deputy State House Spokesperson and Deputy Head, PSCU.” Read the notice by Nzioka Waita CBS, Chief of Staff and Head President’s Delivery Unit

The now former Citizen Tv Nipashe news anchor will spearhead leadership of the core communications teams, including digital, messaging, research, branding and press. With expansive newsroom leadership experience, Ms. Dena has been tasked to focus on the President’s brand positioning, media relations and messaging with respect to the delivery the Big Four agenda.

Other appointment made include Ms Munira Mohamed, 40, who will be the Deputy Head, PSCU and Head of the Presidential Library with The president expressing great hope in the leadership of the two women through the notice.

“The President believes the two women leaders will bring diversity, dynamism and infuse new energy in to the PSCU whilst improving overall media relations with external stakeholders.” Read part of the notice.

This appointment comes at a time when the president intensified war on corruption after asking all head of government procurement to step down for fresh vetting where lie detector machine will be used.

