Woman jailed 10 years over luring minor into prostitution


Mombasa,KENYA:A woman who lured a 13 year old girl into prostitution has lost her appeal after  the high court  in Mombasa ruled the sentence she was serving was satisfactory.

Rehema Kabibi Mwarabu had appealed a 10 year imprisonment saying the sentence was harsh since she pleaded guilty thus saving judicial time.

Ms Kabibi was charged with benefiting from prostitution, luring minors into prostitution and sexual assault contrary to  the sexual offense act.

In her ruling Lady Justice A.Oginjo said the lower court had established a satisfactory ground for her sentence.

Kabibi first denied the charges and released on a bond of sh.300, 000, but later requested court to again  read charges to her and pleaded guilty to all charges.

She committed the offense in Bamburi area in Mombasa on 19 July 2014.

Court also ruled that the appellant participated fully in the entire proceedings.

Justice Oginjo also said it was hard for the court to lower the jail term since evidence was not brought in court because she pleaded guilty.

The court found the appellant to be in a prostitution business and that she benefited from minors.

