Shock as suspect appears in court naked smeared with stool

Car theft suspects Fredrick Omondi and Harman Mkalla (naked) outside Kwale law courts, March 6, 2017. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Kwale, KENYA: Kwale court on Monday witnessed  drama after a theft suspect appeared in court naked.

The suspect Harman Mkalla who was accompanied by his colleague Fredrick 0mondi, were arraigned on Sunday after they were found with a stolen Mitsubishi FH lorry, registration KCE 175G.

The two were under the escort of inspector Stephen Muli.

He was holding his clothes on his hands something that made activities at the court almost come to a stand still, as everyone wanted to know what was going on.

Everyone around was forced to hold their nose as a disgusting smell spread all over the court.

Kwale Magistrate Paul Mutai asked the police to convince the suspect to put on his clothes before being taken to the chambers after he insisted appearing naked.

“We cannot allow him to go there naked. At least wrap him in sheets because his is not decent,” Mutai said.

Inspector Muli had to convince the suspect who finally subjected to his plea.

When asked why he was naked, he defended himself by saying the police denied him his rights of contacting his relatives while at the same time confiscated his money and phones.

“They have denied my rights to talk to relatives and they took away my phone that is why I did that in protest,” he said.

Muli applied to the court to be given 14 days to conduct investigation as the suspects will be remanded at Kwale police station remand.

“I am investigating a case reported at Kwale police station of OB 43 of 5/6/2016, OB12/21/2016 and OB10/5/2017 all of the offence robbery with violence contrary to section 296 (2) of the penal code,” said Muli.

He said they arrested the suspects at Taveta in Taita Taveta County on Sunday, while in possession of stolen motor Mitsubishi FH lorry, registration KCE 175G following a tip off from members of public.

Kwale resident magistrate Paul Mutai directed that the suspects remain in custody as investigations are conducted.

“While in custody you will be allowed to get in touch with relatives or a counsel of your choice,” said Mutai.

The case is set for hearing on 20 March 2017.

