Police shoot two during rowdy football match in Likoni

Suleiman Juma (R) nurses his injuries in Ujamaa area of Likoni subcounty PHOTO JANET MURIKIRA

Two men are nursing injuries after they were hit by police stray bullets after chaos broke out at a football match on Sunday in Likoni Sub County.

60-year-old Suleiman Juma and Chirima Mungo a Boda Boda operator aged 27 were sustained injuries on their right shoulders, as police officers shot in the air in an attempt to disburse rowdy goons that had attacked a crowd watching the match in Kona Mpya area.

Mungo is in critical condition is undergoing treatment at the Coast Provincial General Hospital while Juma was rushed to Likoni Sub County hospital for first aid before he was transferred to the Coast Provincial General Hospital where surgery was conducted to remove the bullet that had been lodged in his shoulder.

Juma who has since been discharged from the hospital is now appealing to the government to take action against the police officers who committed the offense.

” I was released from the hospital at 3:00 am on Monday and up to now I have not taken any drug nor do I have money to buy medication which was prescribed by the doctor,” said Juma

It is alleged that a criminal gang armed with machetes believed to be from the dreaded Wakali Kwanza gang, attacked the crowd immediately the last whistle was blown interrupting Bofu MCA Hamadi Salama from addressing and giving out trophies to the winning teams.

The tournament had been sponsored by Bofu ward Member of County Assembly Ahmed Salama.

One suspect was arrested and is currently being detained at Inuka police station.

Likoni Sub -County police commander Jane Munywoki, however, disputed the claims that the two were injured by police bullets insisting that an investigation had been launched to unravel what happened

“I don’t have information on the shoot-out, but I have instructed investigations to be carried out as soon as possible to establish what lead to the incident,” she said.

