Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya snubs BBI rally to launch ECDE center

Kwale governor Salim Mvurya launching the ECDE centre in Magogoni, Kinango subcounty PHOTO COURTESY

Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya on Saturday snubbed the widely publicized BBI rally held at the Mama Ngina waterfront in Mombasa and opted to launch an ECDE center in Kwale county.

The governor who had earlier in the week vowed to back the process and campaign for it in all the wards in his county spent his morning launching the Magogoni ECDE center in Puma ward, Kinango sub-county.

Later in the afternoon, the governor together with his deputy Fatma Achani later made an impromptu visit to Kinango hospital.

“The state of health services is not in the state I desire it to be. I have thus instructed the CEC health services to make necessary changes in areas that require improvement” The governor said.

This is not the first time the second time governor has snubbed a BBI related event in favor of issues in his county.

On Friday, the governor snubbed a pre-BBI rally meeting that was held at Wild Waters in Mombasa instead opting to make an impromptu visit to the Msambweni hospital while on Thursday he snubbed a presser held by four governors namely Granton Samboja( Taita Taveta) Ali Hassan Joho ( Mombasa), Dhado Godhana( Tana River) and Amason Kingi(Kilifi) to update on the progress of the BBI rally preparations at the Tononoka grounds.

He had on the previous day however promised to campaign for the BBI process in Kwale county.

The coastal leaders who attended the forum presented 16 resolutions to ODM party leader Raila Odinga which they wanted to be captured in the BBI.

The resolutions were read by Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi.

Some of the issues leaders need to be solved in the coast region including historical land injustices demanding that all the land being held by the absentee landlords should be reallocated to Coast residents.

The called for a federal system of government that would lead to the introduction of regional governments while at the same time retaining all the counties.

They also want the Coast region divided into two – Lower Coast that will include Mombasa, Taita Taveta and Kwale and the Upper Coast to include Lamu, Kilifi, and Tana River.

