I am not dating Ali Kiba,Tanzanian songstress

Tanzanian singer Ali Kiba PHOTO COURTESY

Tanzanian songstress Ruby has vehemently denied rumors that she is romantically involved with her fellow singer Ali Kiba.

In an interview with a Tanzanian publication,the singer dismissed the allegations as just baseless rumors saying that people have a tendency of linking her to popular artistes like Kiba.

Tanzanian songstress Ruby PHOTO COURTESY
Tanzanian songstress Ruby PHOTO COURTESY

Na mimi taarifa hizo nimekuwa nikiziona kama wewe ulivyoziona, sioni jipya kwasababu walishawahi kusema kuwa nipo karibu sana na Diamond, sasa wamegeukia kwa Kiba ambaye hata mawasiliano yake sijawahi kuwa nayo,” (I have been hearing the rumors just like you have and its nothing strange to me because they have previously linked me to Diamond and now they are linking to Kiba whom we do not even talk) Ruby said.

However Ali Kiba who has in the past been linked to Tanzanian Business woman Jokate Mwengelo is rumored to be dating a Kenyan lady who goes by the name Amina.

