Kilifi County gets boost from UK to fight drought

Residents look at a carcass of a cow that died due to drought./FILE

The UK government will release sh.155 million in a bid to fight hunger and drought in the country including Kilifi county.

According to UK Minister for Africa Vicky Ford, the funds are part of urgent measures which will fast-track fighting hunger in Kenya where 26,000 children affected by drought will be beneficiaries of the fund.

Kilifi county which has been adversely affected by the drought will also be a beneficiary.

The funds are part of 2.6 billion shillings which will be released to East African countries including Kenya, Somalia, and Southern Sudan.

“The package will assist a million people in Kenya, Somalia, and Southern Sudan who have been affected by severe drought and flooding in decades,” said Ford

During the tour, the Minister also visited the Malindi Solar plant which has been facilitated by the UK government.

Ford is on a three-day tour in the East African countries starting with Kenya.

