God will intervene to stop the current drought- says DP’s wife Dorcas Gachagua

Residents look at a carcass of a cow that died due to drought./FILE


As several parts of the country face drought and hunger, Kenya’s Second Lady Dorcas Gachagua is optimistic that God will intervene to end the drought.

While giving emergency food to Laikipia East villagers in Laikipia County on Monday, the Second Lady expressed her confidence that God would intervene and provide rain to put an end to the drought that has affected several areas of the nation.

“No one can be a victim of hunger. In the past, people have thought of it as a problem of only the North Eastern region, but now when you go to Mount Kenya and the Rift Valley, data shows that everyone is in a problem,” she said.

Dorcas Gachagua stated that the Kenya Kwanza administration of President William Ruto is committed to addressing the drought situation and eliminating relief food.

The Second Lady advised citizens to plant trees and safeguard the forest cover in order to battle the catastrophe while attributing the drought to a lack of focus on solving climate change.

“The only people who will change the climate and bring the rains back to their schedule are me and you. So as we give out food today, I would also like to ask the National and County government to join hands towards a tree-planting initiative,” she said.

Currently 4.35 million people lack access to food, and this number is expected to grow over the next few months.

Weather and drought specialists are urging a redesign of the drought response systems as the issue has developed into a vicious annual cycle.

As the Horn of Africa enters its sixth season of below average rainfall, Kenya is one of the three nations in the region experiencing the worst drought in decades.

