Mombasa to elect Governor on Monday 29th August

IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati flanked by other IEBC commissioners at the Bomas of Kenya./COURTESY

Mombasa and Kakamega residents will be voting for their governors next week on Monday.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) said the polls will be held on 29th August, 2022 which will be in a week.

Speaking at the Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi, IEBC said they arrived at the date after meeting with candidates from the eight electoral areas.

Apart from the Mombasa and Kakamega gubernatorial elections, IEBC will also be carrying out the elections in; Kitui Rural, Kacheliba, Pokot South and Rongai constituencies and; Nyaki West and Kwa Njenga wards.

The candidates have been given four days to campaign.

Speaking on 9th August, IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati said the poll agency would carry out by elections in the eight electoral areas mentioned above due to court orders and mismatch of material content.

Chebukati had earlier said the by elections had been postponed until further notice citing intimidation among reasons for the postponement.

This, however, did not augur well with the candidates with some like Mombasa gubernatorial candidate Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir going court to compel IEBC to carry out the gubernatorial elections on 23rd August as earlier announced.

“The Constitution makes no provision for the delay of General Elections unless there is insecurity, grave electoral malpractice or a natural disaster. None of these issues have arisen in Mombasa to occasion this delay,” stated Swamad.

Swamad said “Chebukati must be held personally responsible for his unilateral, illegal and unconstitutional actions that have disenfranchised our people and robbed them of their right to elect a governor of their choice.”

