Mombasa political leaders want gubernatorial elections date confirmed

Mombasa UDA leaders address the media at the Hustler Center in Nyali./Yvonne Wanjiru

MOMBASA: Political leaders in Mombasa now want the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) hair Wafula Chebukati to confirm the dates for the County’s gubernatorial elections.

Speaking at he Hustler Center in Nyali, Mombasa County, United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Mombasa gubernatorial candidate Hassan Omar told Chebukati to give the exact date when the gubernatorial elections will take place.

“The next general elections will be on 10th August, 2027, we know the date. You cannot just postpone the election to a further notice, you must give us a date, we need to bring this thing to a closure, we need to work towards an end,” said Hassan Omar.

“We need to know the date, you cannot publish a statement saying ‘to a date that is going to be communicated’. We are not a bunch of hooligans who are just roaming the streets of Mombasa, we are decent men and women and you must treat us with a bit of decency,” he added.

Omar, who was flanked by his Deputy Selina Maitha and other UDA leaders from Mombasa, said that postponing the gubernatorial elections without giving a specific date was causing anxiety among Mombasa residents and even the leaders.

“It is very draining, very involving mentally, psychologically, physically, emotionally, resource-wise etc. You create a wave of anxiety, gossip and innuendos. I think Mombasa need to get over and done with these elections,” said Omar.

Omar said also said that they have never been subjected to such levels of anguish.

“While we appreciate the difficult position the IEBC is in, IEBC should also appreciate the difficult position we as candidates, particularly in Mombasa, are in. There has never been an election, as per my recollection, that has been litigated as much as this Mombasa gubernatorial election,” he said.

Meanwhile, Azimio la Umoja One Kenya gubernatorial candidate Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir also condemned IEBC for postponing the Mombasa gubernatorial elections just days to the elections.

Mombasa Azimio leaders at the Mombasa Law Courts./COURTESY

Swamad headed to court to compel IEBC to carry out the gubernatorial elections on 23rd August as earlier announced.

“The Constitution makes no provision for the delay of General Elections unless there is insecurity, grave electoral malpractice or a natural disaster. None of these issues have arisen in Mombasa to occasion this delay,” stated Swamad.

Swamad said “Chebukati must be held personally responsible for his unilateral, illegal and unconstitutional actions that have disenfranchised our people and robbed them of their right to elect a governor of their choice.”

The Coast Civil Society Network has also condemned the postponement saying that the postponement of the elections disenfranchises the residents of Mombasa and may cause possible constitutional challenges in the county.

“You have mentioned that Mombasa is a place considered a hot-spot for violence. The best you can do to the public in Mombasa and residents of Mombasa is to avoid any trigger incidences including this postponement of elections,” said Coast Civil Society Network’s Chair Zedekiah Adika.

