8 arrested over murder of 70-year-old woman in Kwale

Kwale county commissioner Karuku Ngumo who confirmed that 8 suspects have been arrested in connection with the murder of a 70 year old woman in Kwale PHOTO COURTESY
 Kwale, KENYA: Police in Kwale County have arrested 8 suspects in connection with the murder of a 70-year-old woman at Mazola village in Kinango sub-county. 

The deceased identified as Nyamvula Tsuma is believed to have been killed by the suspects on allegations of witchcraft.

It was reported that the suspects armed with pangas raided the deceased’s home on Thursday at dawn on speculation that she was a witch before she succumbed to injuries inflicted on her body.

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Confirming the incident, Kwale county commissioner Karuku Ngumo said that the suspects are being held in police custody pending further investigations.

He warned that stringent actions will be taken against any culprit found to have been involved.

He said that the matter is highly associated with members of the same family who colluded to commit the heinous act.

“Surprisingly enough no member of the family showed up to call for help despite the deceased having a large homestead. It’s indeed a shame that as a county we have started to kill our own old people unlike other counties which take care of them,” said Ngumo.

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He noted that four homicide cases linked with witchcraft claims have so far been reported in Kwale county within a period of one and a half month.

He appealed to the locals to work closely with the security apparatus in a bid to curb the rising cases on the murder of old people suspected to be behind witchcraft.

“I urge members of the community to report any suspicious matter to the chief, police or any religious leader and assure you that the law will be enforced accordingly,” said Ngumo.

