President Uhuru receives five new envoys to Kenya

President Uhuru Kenyatta welcomes the new envoy from Uganda to Kenya Ms. Awere Phibby Otaala. PHOTO: PSCU.

Nairobi, KENYA: (BY PSCU) President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday received credentials from five new envoys to Kenya.

The envoys included Awere Phibby Otaala (Uganda), Alison Chartres (Australia), Denys Toscano (Ecuador), Myint Swe (Mnyanmar) and Wilhelm von Trott (the Sovereign Military Order of Malta).

President Kenyatta welcomed the new envoys and encouraged them to work hard for the improvement of bilateral relations between Kenya and their respective countries for mutual benefit.

The envoys congratulated the President on his peaceful campaigns during the prolonged electioneering period that preceded his victory and swearing in for a second term in office. The new envoys also applauded President Kenyatta on his commitment to the rule of law.

“On behalf of the President and people of Uganda I would like to congratulate you on your peaceful campaign which the whole world has been watching,” said Ms Otaala.

She said Uganda looks to Kenya as its main ally and “when Kenya is not happy Uganda will not be happy.”

President Kenyatta urged the Ugandan envoy to work closely with Kenya in strengthening the East African Community for the sake of prosperity for all the people of the region.

The new Australian Ambassador congratulated President Kenyatta on his victory for a second term in office and said her nation appreciates his respect for the rule of law.

“We applaud your clear commitment to the rule of law and also your commitment to making devolution work,” said Ms Chartres.

She said Australia also appreciates the big role Kenya has played in the war against terror.

The envoy said she would work hard to boost the bilateral ties between Kenya and Australia. She noted that Kenyans form the majority of Africans studying in Australian universities.

Earlier in the morning, President Kenyatta bade farewell to the outgoing Djibouti Ambassador to Kenya Ms Mariam Ahmed Goumaneh.

Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed and Principal Secretary Monica Juma attended the functions.

