Prophet Owuor imposter arraigned in court over damaging woman’s reputation


Mombasa, KENYA: A man who has been posing himself as Prophet David Owour on his Facebook account, was on Wednesday arraigned in a Mombasa court for damaging a woman’s reputation.

Donald Odede who is alleged to  the owner of a fake Facebook account ‘nabii daktari David Owour, is accused of claiming to have healed a HIV positive woman, Roseline Achieng and her child through prayers.

According to the statement recorded by Roseline, a business woman in Mombasa selling house hold items through Facebook , she had received calls from friends asking her why she confessed about her HIV status, only for her to find it was fake Facebook account with her photos.

Odede told the court he was paid by the competitor to make false allegations against Roseline but he never intended to damage her reputation.

He denied the charges before Mombasa resident magistrate Viola Yator and was released on a sh.80,000 bond.

