Officers equipped with recorders all over Lamu, hate speech mongers warned


Lamu, KENYA: Lamu County commissioner Joseph Kanyiri has said there will be no sacred cows and that the rule of law remains supreme in as far as the war on incitement during the campaign and electioneering period is concerned.

The commissioner spoke shortly after Lamu politician Rishad Amana presented himself at the county DCIs office over incitement allegations on Tuesday.

Kanyiri has issued a warning to politicians,bloggers,artists and social media users against using the various platforms to spread hate and incitement.

“If we find you spreading hate or inciting people,we shall not hesitate to pull you down that podium and throw you behind bars.We cant allow anything or person to disturb the peace we have worked so hard to achieve,” said Kanyiri.

He said a special units of police officers armed with recorders have been dispatched all over Lamu to ensure all inciters and hate speech users who have an intention of dividing the public are apprehended.

Kanyiri warned that no one irrespective of their stature and societal standing shall be spared and that all shall be treated as criminals if and when found.

He warned Facebook,Whatsapp,Twitter and Instagram users against using the platforms to spread hate since every user will be closely monitored by his office and the NCIC and action taken against the culprits.

“We urge politicians to be responsible with what they say because there is a new sheriff in town. Politicians must conduct themselves with decorum. Social media posts that create hate,intolerance and ethnic tension must stop.No sacred cows,” said Kanyiri.

