KRA embraces regional cargo tracking system at the Mombasa Port

The port of Mombasa. Two people have been charged over the theft of containers at the port /FILE

Mombasa, KENYA: Kenya Revenue Authority has developed a new system to track cargos from the port of Mombasa destined to Uganda and Rwanda.

The Regional Cargo Tracking System is a web based integrated system used to monitor transit cargo under customs control.

Speaking during a media workshop in Mombasa organized by KRA on Thursday, Mr. John Bisonga, Chief Manager Customs and border control department, southern region at the KRA, said the new System will help in nabbing tax evaders and eliminate the cases of cargo diversion and loss before reaching their intended destinations.

“We took a deliberate step to ensure that we track these transit goods through our territory to the foreign partner states. Since we came up with this track technology it gives us confidence that the assigned consignment will reach the intended clients.” He said.

Mr. Bisonga is optimistic that the remaining members of East African Community countries such as Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan will embrace regional Cargo Tracking System cargo technology.

“We do hope that with time, the other partner of Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan will also join in.” Said Mr. Bisonga.

In September last year during the inauguration of the first part of a new container terminal at Mombasa, which was expected to boost by 50 percent the volume of cargo handled by East Africa’s largest seaport, President Uhuru Kenyatta gave a stern warning that drug traffickers and corrupt port officials stealing container cargos on transit to other countries, via the port of Mombasa, will be arrested.

