Women accused of promoting Al shabaab activities released on sh. 500,000 bond


Mombasa, KENYA: Four women terror suspects who allegedly organized meetings believed to promote Al-shabaab activities in the country, were on Thursday released on a bond Sh.500,000 each  and a surety of similar amount.

Mombasa senior principal magistrate Henry Nyakweba said prosecution had not given sufficient reasons to deny bond Ummulkhar Sadri Abdula, Maryam Said Aboud, Khadija Abubakar Abdulkadir and Halima Adan Ali.

Mr. Nyakweba further said it was mischievous for the prosecution to charge the four accused persons in another court with similar criminal charges.

They accused were charged in a different court and released on a bond of Sh.500,000 but continued being detained since prosecution had filed an affidavit to oppose bond in the other charges.

In a court ruling, Mr.Nyakweba said prosecution had not proved if the accused persons released will not attend court or even interfere with prosecution witnesses.

State counsel Mr. Jamy Yamina tried to seek orders releasing the four accused persons but Mr.Nyakweba ordered that any application on the case be argued on 31st January.

Mr. Yamina wanted the court to order detention of accused persons, pending the hearing and determination of application in high court to review the bond granted.

The four are also charged with conspiracy to commit a terrorist act.

They were arrested on 23 March 2015 in Elwak -Kenya Somalia boarder in Mandera County.

