Stop linking Islam with terrorism, urges Nyumba Kumi chairman Kaguthi

Nyumba Kumi initiative chairman Joseph Kaguthi. FILE/PHOTO.

Mombasa, KENYA: Nyumba Kumi Chairman Joseph Kaguthi has urged Kenyans to stop linking Muslim religion with terrorism group Al Shabaab, asserting such remarks endangers the country’s unity along faithful line.

Speaking Wednesday in Mombasa during a Nyumba Kumi forum which brought together Nyumba Kumi elders from Coast region, Mr. Kaguthi called on Kenyans to unite in the fight against Al Shabaa and stop blaming particular groups of people.

“I want to challenge my Christians fellows, Muslims are not terrorists in fact they also suffer just like any other Kenyans whenever Al Shabaab attacks Kenya,’’ he said.

Mr. Kaguthi further said radicalization among youths especially in the coast region, is majorly as result of drug dealers who use youths to promote their business but not religious teachings as claimed.

“This radicalization thing is not caused by staunch teachings as people think, this thing is purely as a results of drug dealers who are misusing our youths,’’ he claimed.

He also persuaded residents to collaborate with security agency to help curb the drug menace by disclosing important information about the hideouts of suspected drug dealers through a special number 22068, where they will only be charged Shs 1, with their identities kept secret.

‘’Kindly use that number, provide relevant information to the authority about these drug dealers, let corporate to find a lasting solution to this imperil,’’ he said.

The three-day Nyumba Kumi forum that will come to close on Friday, is aimed at enlightening Nyumba Kumi initiatives leaders in the community famously known as ‘Wazee wa Nyumba Kumi’ on how to handle security matters in their areas.

