Kipungani sea wall officially launched in Lamu

Governor Issa Timamy launches the sea wall. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA

Lamu,KENYA:The Lamu County government has officially opened the Kipungani sea wall in Lamu West which has been under construction for the past three years.

The wall had initially collapsed before the county government decided to have it built afresh.

The wall was constructed as a move to prevent water from the Indian Ocean reaching residential areas and business along the Indian Ocean.

The wall will benefit more than 3000 residents living in Kipungani who have also had a hard time moving around the area due to the flooding caused by ocean water that crosses over to footpaths and roads.

Residents witness the launch of the sea wall. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.
Residents witness the launch of the sea wall. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA.

Speaking during its official opening,Lamu governor Issa Timamy the sea wall will also bring to a close incidents where water from the ocean would destroy and wash away houses each year during high tides.

“its has been like a tradition where each year,locals wait for the tides to sweep water over to their homes which in turn carries away houses and other stuff and it has really been a thorn in the flesh.But we are glad the sea wall is complete and people can now live and sleep without worrying that their homes will be carried away,”said Timamy.

The governor also promised to have the village surveyed and villagers accorded with title deeds.

Atleast 10,000 residents of Lamu county have had their lands surveyed and awarded with title deeds.

