Plans to unveil presidential candidate complete , NASA

NASA party principals in a past event PHOTO FILE

Nairobi,KENYA:National super alliance coalition has Said that preparations for the mega event of naming of the NASA flag bearer scheduled to take place at Uhuru Park ,Nairobi is complete.

Speaking to journalists at Uhuru park in Nairobi NASACo-chair Dr Eseli Simiyu said that they are expecting close to a million people who will be attending the event.

“We have come to inspect the grounds that we are having this major event ,tomorrow. We are expecting over a million people, there are people coming to Nairobi from various towns .”Dr Simiyu said

Dr Simiyu declined to divulge details of any information on the meeting that has been going on for the better part of Wednesday by the Co principals strategizing on the event.
“We want them to come witness this event ,which is the beginning of the change .”He said

NASA principals, ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi ,Wiper’s Kalonzo Musyoka ,ODM’s Raila Odinga ,Chama cha Mashinani chair Isaac Ruto and Ford Kenya chair Moses Wetangula are expected to grace the event .

