2000 families in Kilifi receive relief food

Kilifi governer Amason Kingi distributes relief food at a past event PHOTO COURTESY

Kilifi,KENYA:More than two thousand families in Kaloleni Sub County in Kilifi County on Thursday received fertilizers, certified maize seeds and relief food from  the Kilifi County government.

The families received 3500 bags of CAN, DAP and NPK fertilizers worth Kshs. 15 million, Certified maize seeds worth sh. 13 million, 1,000 bags of maize and 120 bags of beans as relief food equally distributed in Kinarani in Mwanamwinga ward and Tsangatsini in Kayafungo ward.

Addressing the public during the event, Kilifi governor Amason Kingi said the initiative is aimed at countering the long season rain that has just began.

He said the county government was determined to carry the initiative on to other parts of the county.

“Today we are here in Kaloleni Sub County to distribute these commodities and relief food, because we know you need them and also need to be supported in  Agriculture,” said Kingi.

“This initiative is not only meant for this sub county, but my government is determined to take this initiative to other parts of this County to improve the future living standards,” Kingi added.

The governor however attacked the national government saying it had failed spectacularly in embracing devolution.

He said the Jubilee government has been in the front line to mar devolution, hence leaving  the people of Kilifi suffering in the hands of the national government 53 years after independence.

“Behold residents of Kaloleni, the initiator of devolution came from this area, but 53 years after independence today we are here to distribute relief food, something that  if the national government  had the  motive of embracing it you would be reaping .” said Kingi.

“But that has never happened and this is the right time to make it happen by voting in the second executor of devolution, Raila Odinga in the August 8 polls,” Kingi said.

More than 250,000 families in the county have been struck by hunger.

