Use Eid Baraza to address religious challenges, urges Khatri


MOMBASA: The Mombasa County Government on Saturday 13th April held Eid Baraza celebrations at the County’s treasury square in Mvita Sub-County.

The celebrations that started at 9 am were not only attended by the Muslim community led by Sheikhs and Imams from across the county but also by Mombasa politicians.

Speaking during the celebrations, the Mombasa County Assembly Speaker urged that Eid Barazas should be used as platforms to address challenges faced by the Muslim community in the county.

“I said this during last year’s Eid Baraza, let us invite Imams and madrassa teachers, both male and female, to these Barazas so that they can tell us the challenges they are facing and as leaders we see how to solve them. We might not be able to solve all but one at a time,” said Speaker Khatri.

“We know that they go through a lot of challenges in a year, and giving them this platform is one way of addressing these challenges. Let us not use it for politics, politicians have a lot of platforms where they can speak, let us leave Eid Baraza to our Muslim brothers facing challenges,” he added.

Meanwhile, Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad Sheriff Nassir says the County government will not only be using one sub-county in festivals or celebrations saying this was the last Eid Baraza to be held in Mvita sub-county until they have rotated in all Mombasa sub-counties.

The celebrations were led by Chief Kadhi Sheikh Athman Abdulhalim Hussein who encouraged Muslims not to abandon prayers and reading the Quran just because the Ramadhan period was over.

“We might have reduced the frequency of fasting, prayers, and generosity, which is normal, but let us not completely abandon prayer, fasting, and giving to those in need,” said Chief Kadhi Athman.

