Over 900k mosquito nets to be distributed in Mombasa flagged off


The fight against Malaria in Mombasa has gotten a boost following the flagging off of over 900k nets set to be distributed across the county.

The consignment of 932,000 treated mosquito nets from Global Fund was flagged off on Thursday by Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad Sheriff Nassir and Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (KEMSA) CEO Andrew Mulwa.

“The mosquito nets will be distributed in all 30 wards across the county as well as all county health facilities ensuring adequate protection against the spread of Malaria,” said Governor Swamad.

The over 900k nets are to be distributed in the next two weeks.

The mapping had already previously been done, now it is only an issue of ensuring the nets reach the beneficiaries,” said the Mombasa Governor.

The nationwide mass net distribution exercises is targeting counties that have high Malaria incidents in the country including Mombasa, Kwale and Taita Taveta.

“The Malaria net distribution is a national program that covers Malaria endemic areas across the country. We have some 22 counties that have high Malaria incidents in the country which are targeted for the mass net distribution every three years,” said KEMSA CEO Andrew Mulwa.

“So this program is coming after the earlier exercise which was done in 2020/21,” he added.

16.2 million nets are set to be distributed across the country in an exercise set to end in May.

“So far, because we are doing it in clusters, we have done five counties as KEMSA ie Kisii, Nyamira, Kisumu, Siaya and Migori. We are now doing Mombasa then we will move to Taita Taveta, Kwale as cluster two,” said the KEMSA CEO.

