Rainfall expected to continue up to Saturday

Floods at Kwa Ndoro past Ujamaa along Likoni-Ukunda highway./COURTESY

The rainfall being experienced in the country is expected to continue up until Saturday 29th April 2023.

According to a ‘Heavy Rainfall and Strong Winds’ Advisory from the Kenya Meteorological Department, the rainfall is expected to spread to the North Western region and the Lake Basin today Wednesday 26th, 2023.

“The heavy rainfall is likely to continue over several parts of the country with reduced intensity over the South Western and Coastal areas on Saturday 29th,” read the advisory.

Coastal counties mentioned in the advisory are Mombasa, Tana River, Kwale, Kilifi, and Lamu.

“Residents in all the mentioned areas are advised to be on the lookout for potential floods. Flood waters may appear in places where it has not rained heavily especially downstream,” read the Advisory.

The Met Department also warned that strong winds may blow off roofs, uproot trees and cause structural damage.

“Residents are advised to avoid driving through or walking in moving water or open fields and not to shelter under trees and near grilled windows to minimize exposure to lightning strikes,” read the advisory.

