Gov’t immediate agenda to create a formidable business and enterprise environment for the youth

Kenyan youth looking for a job in the streets of Nairobi./COURTESY

The  government’s immediate agenda is to create a formidable business and enterprise environment for the youth.

President William Ruto says this will tackle unemployment among the youth.

The Head of State claimed that every year 800k young people join the workforce and 600k of them do not find opportunities for productive work.

“Our young people in cities and towns face very hostile environments, many times treated as a nuisance and their hustles criminalized,” said Ruto.

“Those who seek to set up formal businesses are faced with the bureaucratic monster that is multiple licenses,” he added.

To further deal with the challenge of youth employment, the government will also roll out a social and affordable low-cost housing program targeting an average of 250k units every year.

“We will engage TVET institutions to provide necessary skills to enable the ‘jua kali’ industry supply standardized  products for our housing program,” he added.

Ruto said the government will leverage on Kenya’s competitive advantage in the leather and textile industry to roll-out a labour intensive agro-processing industrialization program.

“This will start in Naivasha Industrial Park and Dongo Kundu Industrial Park,” said the president.

