Joho did not endorse Abdulswamad, ODM chair

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho PHOTO file

Mombasa County ODM chairman Mohamed Hamid has sharply disputed claims that Governor Ali Hassan Joho endorsed Mvita Mp AbdulSwamad Nassir to run for Governor.

Hamid alleges that Joho was misquoted by the press and that he has not endorsed any politician as at now.

According to him, Joho’s sentiment did not directly endorse Nassir who is his long time ally and friend .

“They are indeed friends and allies but Joho has not said he has any preferred candidate”, he added.

Hamid further stated that ODM will carry out free and fair nominations ahead of the 2022 polls.

“This party belongs to everyone. It does not belong to a particular person.We will have nominations to choose our falg bearer”, he stated.

Nassir is expected to battle it out with businessman and former Jubilee politician Suleiman Shahbal for the ODM ticket.

Shahbal decamped from Jubilee and joined ODM thereby raising the political stakes in Mombasa County politics.

Raila Odinga grassroot advisor, Oginga Randiki also faulted the media on claims of inaccurate reporting.

The Mombasa Gubernatorial seat has also attracted other aspirants including current Mombasa Deputy Governor William Kingi, Sanjiv Agarwaal, Hassan Sarai and Kisauni Mp Ali Mbogo.

