Mp warns of hunger catastrophe in Kilifi

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire . photo:file

Ganze Mp Teddy Mwambire has warned of an impending hunger in Kilifi County.

Speaking in Kilifi, Mwambire said residents of Ganze have been left alone to fight hunger pangs every year and now wants government to take decisive action to cushion locals.

He called on the government to source for donor funding in a bid to ensure the region is food sufficient.

“The government should look for an alternative, including among other ways, donor funding. This will assist in addressing hunger in this country,” he said.

Bamba, Vitengeni and are usually the worst hit areas.

The vocal Mp also decried the influx of elephants in homes saying they are creating havoc and fear among locals.

According to Mwambire, elephants have been terrorizing villagers in Vitengeni and Bamba in search of water and pasture.

Ganze constituency borders Tsavo East national park.

 “KWS should do something on this. We cannot have our own people always live in fear,” said the Mp.

