Uhuru urged to sack six judges he failed to appoint

Judges take oath of office

President Uhuru Kenyatta has been urged to sack six judges whom he rejected their appointment.

Kenya Muslim Advisory council (kemnac)  chair Sheikh Njuma Ngao said the judges are of questionable characters and morals.

Speaking to reporters in Mombasa, Juma Ngao defended the president’ move saying he failed to appoint the judges due to intelligence reports that cast doubt on their integrity and should be investigated and dismissed if found guilty.

“If the president has intelligence reports on the six judges, let him sack them immediately. We cannot allow them to be appointed simply because JSC recommended them”, he stated.

Ngao defended the president’s move to dismiss the 6 judges, saying the president had the right to appoint them or not as they had been recommended by the judicial service commission JSC.

“ Uhuru should clean the judiciary thoroughly. Kenyans are tired of searching for justice in courts because of corrupt judges and officials”, he said.

Ngao also called on political leaders to respect the president’s decision to reject the six judges among them Justice George Odunga, Joel Ngugi, Aggrey Muchelule, Justice Weldon Korir and Justice Elizabeth Omange.

He appointed 34 judges.

Additional reporting by Felister Adhiambo

