ODM to receive inquiry report on Msambweni by-election defeat

Raila Odinga at Chungwa house.

The ODM party is expected to receive an inquiry report on the reasons for the loss of Msambweni’s parliamentary seat.

According to party chairman John Mbadi, local party leaders have been tasked with finding and evaluating the reasons behind ODM candidate Omar Boga’s defeat by independent candidate Faizal Bader.

Bader received the backing of Deputy President William Ruto.

A section of leaders blamed Mombasa governor Ali Hassan for the defeat, citing a lack of campaign messages that highlighted the plight of Msambweni locals.

However, Mbadi has rubbished claims that Feisal won due to his involvement with Ruto saying his win is credited to Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya.

Former Msambweni Mp Suleiman Dori  (ODM) died in March 2019.

