10 more succumb to COVID-19 as coastal region records 132 new infections

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe during a past COVID-19 briefing./COURTESY

10 more patients succumbed to COVID-19 in the last 24 hours bringing total fatalities to 1,614.

According to Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe, the country recorded 394 new cases of COVID-19, bringing the country’s case load to 92,853.

He confirmed that this was from a sample size of 5,752 recording a positivity rate of 6.8 percent.

Coastal counties registered a total of 132 new infections with Mombasa having the most at 59 followed by Taita Taveta’s 32 cases.

Kwale County came in third with 21 cases while Kilifi recorded 20 new infections.

In Mombasa, the 59 cases are from Mvita (24), Kisauni (12), Changamwe and Jomvu (7) cases each, Likoni (5), Nyali (4).

In Taifa Taveta, the 32 cases are from Voi (32) and Wundanyi (2). In Kwale all the 21 cases are from Msambweni. In Kilifi, the 20 cases are from Kilifi North (12), Malindi (6), Kaloleni (1) and Magarini (1).

Kagwe added that there are 810 patients currently admitted in various hospitals across the country. Another, 6,172 patients are on the home-based care program.

A total of 46 patients are in ICU, out of which 23 are on ventilatory support.

