President Uhuru re-opens bars, allows restaurants and eateries to sell alcohol

Bar operators say they have not yet received funds allocated by President Kenyatta to cushion them during the COVID-19 pandemic./COURTESY

Bars shall resume operations from tomorrow.

Speaking during the National COVID-19 Conference, President Kenyatta who extended the dusk to dawn curfew also gave the directive to open bars

“That the prohibition against the operation of bars and the prohibition against the sale of alcoholic drinks and beverages by ordinary restaurants and eateries shall stand vacated with effect from the 29th of September, 2020, mnaweza kukunywa pombe sawa” said President Kenyatta.

“That the\closing time for all bars and restaurants and eateries shall be 10pm everyday with effect from the 29th of September, 2020,” he added.

The President also reviewed upwards the maximum number of persons attending funerals and wedding from the current 100 to 200.

President Kenyatta was speaking during the National COVID-19 Conference that was held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi.

He said schools will be re-opened only when the government is sure of the safety of learners against the pandemic, once that is done then the Education CS will come up with the 2020 education Calendar for resumption of education whether it will be this year or in 2021.

