Police clash with Mombasa activists demanding probe into ‘COVID heist’

An activist kicking a teargas cannister fired by the police in an attempt to break the protest PHOTO COURTESY

Police on Tuesday clashed with activists who had gathered in Mombasa to demand a probe into the alleged embezzlement of COVID -19 funds at the Kenya Medical Supplies Agency(KEMSA).

The protestors had started their procession at the Makadara grounds in Mombasa before police threw teargas in an attempt to break the protest.

The protest saw three people who include activist Francis Auma, the Muslim for Human Rights (MUHURI) rapid response officer, Lucas Fondo, and a university student arrested by anti-riot officers who had been called to quell the protest.

The protests came just a day after similar protests were held in Nakuru, Nairobi, and Kisumu.

Activists and religious groups have called on the government probe and take action against those found culpable

On Tuesday, the  Kenya inter-faith youth council chair John Wangai urged the relevant Constitution bodies, the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC), Director of Public Prosecution (DPP), and the Director of Criminal Investigation (DCI) to conduct a speedy probe into the saga.

” We appreciate the role the government is playing in mitigating the effect and the spread of  COVID-19, we, therefore, urge the relevant bodies the EACC, DPP, and DCI  to Swifty and briskly carry out a thorough investigation and ensure culprits are brought to book,” Said Wangai.

On Sunday, Amani National Congress party (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi urged the President to set up a judicial inquest to probe the alleged theft of Covid-19 funds, adding that loss of money at MoH is a threat to his legacy.

He added that the country may lose the support of the donor community if proper measures are not put in place to act against graft.

