Relief for Tuk Tuk operators after Mombasa county slashes parking fees

Tuk Tuk operators in Mombasa.The county has slashed by half the Tuk Tuk parking fees /Kelvin Jillani

Tuk -Tuk operators in Mombasa County have a reason to smile after the County government waved parking fees due to the coronavirus.

Tuk-tuk operators union spokesperson John Gatimu has confirmed that the County government has waived parking fees by 50%.

“We have been paying County government a monthly parking fee of Sh 1200, the fee has been waved now to Sh. 600,” said Gatimu.

Gatimu further said that tuk-tuk business has been largely affected following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The union has also applauded President Uhuru Kenyatta for lifting out the cessation of movement in Old Town.

“Most of our customers in Mombasa are within the Kibokoni area and when the government imposed cessation of movement in the area we have been affected, “said Gatimu.

According to the tuk-tuk association, Mombasa has registered 30,000 tuk-tuk drivers and 10,000 owners.

